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Lemurian Seed Quartz and Danburite Wand

Lemurian Seed Quartz and Danburite Wand

This handmade crystal wand can be used for meditation, healing and oracle card or other readings. It was made by Leanne with the energies of the Lemurian Starchild oracle deck. 

It attunes the user to the energies of Lemuria, with its sizeable Lemurian Seed Quartz and smooth Chrysoprase. Danburite supports the accessing of the Akashic Records for understanding karmic patterns and clearing other timelines. This helps the user to bring the pristine expansive energies of Lemuria, with the Divine Blueprints, further into the energy field.
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    All Text & Art © Michiel kroon & Leanne Ta'iki Anawa, Glastonbury, UK

    ISBN: 9781916029200 (box set) / 9781916029217 (e-book)

    Please note:

    1. 'Healing' is defined as a realization of your Inner Wholeness.

    2. The information, products and services on this website do not replace medical care or medical treatment.

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